The arrival of pumpkin spice flavored food stuffs in stores can only mean one thing, fall is soon upon us. While the days grow shorter the nights become much busier as the fall TV season kicks into high gear. We’ve narrowed down the must watch shows for all you geeks, and boy, there’s a lot to watch this year. Whether it’s returning series or something new, 2017 will prove to be a bountiful harvest.
American Horror Story: Cult
What better way to kick off the fall season than with a bit of politics? And clowns. And bees… Maybe there were better ways. As always, AHS is more of an anthology compilation than consecutive series, so new viewers will have no trouble jumping in if they decide there isn’t enough political drama in their lives. Find out Tuesday, Sept 5 at 10PM.
Bojack Horseman
Easy answer, everything’s on fire. Bojack has burned every bridge he’s crossed and is now striding forward into the unknown. Possibly with a daughter. The whole season will be available on Netflix on Friday, Sept 8.
The Orville
A new sci-fi comedy that asks the question, what would Star Trek have been if it had been written by Seth MacFarlane and directed by Jon Favreau? Premieres on FOX, Sunday, Sept 10 at 8PM.
Fear the Walking Dead
FtWD is gaining the dubious reputation of being as enjoyable as the series that spawned it. Whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing is completely up to the viewer. Catch the premiere Sunday, Sept 10 9PM on AMC.
The only Batman show that’s not actually about Batman, Gotham returns to FOX for another villain packed season. This time around we see a young Bruce Wayne emerge as a proto-Batman of sorts and explore a life of vigilantism. See the premiere Thursday, Sept 21 at 8PM.
Star Trek Discovery
The latest entry into America’s longest running sci-fi franchise is set to premiere September 24 at 8:30PM. The catch is that the series will only be available on CBS All Access from their on. Trekkies will have to shell out the extra dough to see the season in full.
Marvel’s Inhumans
While you may have to wait longer to get Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Marvel will be rolling out their next grand experiment with Inhumans, which is set to premiere in IMAX theaters September 1st, followed by a series premiere September 29th on ABC.
The Exorcist
This series was one of the gems from last fall and the first series we had the pleasure of screening. The Exorcist deservedly returns for season 2 as we continue to follow the exploits of Father Marcus and Father Tomas as they battle demons and unravel conspiracies. Catch the premiere September 29 on FOX.
What happens when two completely unprepared guys get hired by an undercover government agency investigating paranormal activity that could lead to the end of the world? Looks like, about what you’d expect. Adam Scott and Craig Robinson partner up for a new ghost-busters-esque comedy, premiering Sunday, Oct 1 on FOX at 8:30PM.
Picking back up after what was apparently a pretty busy time-skip, fallen angel Lucifer might be back up in Dad’s good graces after all after having worked through a considerable amount of family drama. Season 3 premieres Monday, Oct 2 on FOX at 8PM.
The Gifted
One of the most highly anticipated new shows this season, The Gifted is about the mutants that aren’t cool enough to join the X-Men. Premiering Monday, Oct 2 at 9PM on FOX.
The most adorable heroine on TV is back for 3rd season, but with a new showrunner with Jessica Queller. Also joining the series is Smallville veteran Erica Durance, who replaces Floriana Lima as Alura. Catch the season premiere October 10th at 8PM on The CW.
The Flash
Barry may have hit some speed bumps last year, but he’s looking to get back in the race for season 4. Team Flash has been learning to survive without their leader, but a new threat can only be defeated by the Fastest Man Alive. The Flash premieres October 10th on The CW at 8PM.
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
Though the least watched of the CW’s superhero shows, Legends of Tomorrow is slowly finding its niche and its audience. In terms of quality its the most consistent of them all and big things lie in wait for season 3, which includes another glorious crossover with Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl! See the premiere October 10 on The CW 9PM
This Archie-centric series made waves last season by taking one of the most iconically wholesome comic book cites and turning it into a neo-noir murder mystery. Season 2 premieres on Monday, Oct 11 at 8PM.
Don’t despair Destiel fans. Rumor has it that Castiel isn’t as dead as he seems. Well he is, but it’s complicated, apparently. This season’s going to have the Winchesters confronting some of their old friends and enemies alike. Season 13 premieres Thursday, Oct 12 on the CW at 8PM.
The CW’s longest running DC Comics series returned to from last year. Season 6 is looking to up the ante even further with loads of action and the return of Black Canary and Deathstroke. Arrow returns catch the premier in its usual slot, Thursdays at 9PM on The CW.
The Walking Dead
It’s All Out War as the conflict between Negan and Rick reaches the ultimate tipping point. If you were hoping the show would return to its dramatic roots, forget about it! We’re one Mel Gibson short of Mad Max with zombies. See the premiere in October 10th at 9PM on AMC.
Stranger Things 2
No series last year captured the attention of the masses quite like Stranger Things. The boys return for another season where the stakes and nostalgia are cranked up to Eleven. See what I did there? All eight episodes are bingeable at midnight October 27th on Netflix.
Marvel’s Runaways
Another addition to the already blossoming MCU, Runaways is based on the Marvel comic of the same name. Not wanting to follow in their parent’s supervillain footprints, an odd group of kids has to unite to stop them. This project has been in production for a while but finally found a home on Hulu. Premieres Thursday, Nov 21.
The sons of Ragnar are on the warpath after the death of their famous father last season. Prepare to be raided November 29 at 9PM on History Channel.