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Have you ever wondered what Thor, God of Thunder, was doing while the rest of the Avengers were picking sides in Captain America: Civil War? He was in Australia busy getting involved with the community, sun-roasting meat and hanging with his pal Darryl, of course.

The video gives us a grasp of what sort of banter do Dr. Banner and Thor usually have over a cup of coffee. And, how one gets in touch with the hammer-wielding god if you ever needed to contact him. We also see Thor’s evidence board with a drawing of Mjolnir wearing a pair of sunglasses holding a little Thor.

Thor Me time, Team Thor

Mark Ruffalo makes a cameo appearance as Dr. Bruce Banner.

Halfway through the clip, we see Dr. Bruce Banner getting a call from T-bone, a.k.a. Tony Star, while a pitiful Thor is left out of the conversation. Despite being left out in the cold, Thor isn’t disappointed with Iron Man and Captain America for not inviting him to fight with them. Instead, Thor, like any other immortal and all-powerful Norse God would do, makes his own team- Team Thor, which consists of him and his new found friend and flatmate, Darryl.

The clip, which is a promotional video for upcoming Thor: Ragnarok movie, shows how funny Chris Hemsworth really is and that he’s down to making a parody of his Avengers alter ego all for the sake of good humor.

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